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500+ từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật

Tác giả Hoàng Uyên 16:18 12/12/2024 212

Các loài động vật đóng vai trò quan trọng trong hệ sinh thái và cuộc sống của chúng ta. Việc hiểu và sử dụng từ vựng đúng cách liên quan đến chủ đề này không chỉ giúp cải thiện kỹ năng nghe mà còn mở rộng kiến thức về thiên nhiên. Hãy cùng khám phá 500+ từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật để chuẩn bị tốt cho bài thi của mình.

500+ từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật
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1. Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật

1.1 Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật nuôi 

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Dịch nghĩa

Ví dụ minh họa



Con mèo

The cat is sleeping on the sofa.



Con chó

My neighbor owns a big dog that barks loudly.



Con chim

She keeps a small bird in a cage.



I have a goldfish in my aquarium.



Con thỏ

There is a rabbit farm near my house.



Con bò

A cow provides milk to humans.



Con cừu

The sheep are grazing in the field.



Con dê

A goat can climb steep hills easily.



Con lợn

Farmers raise pigs for meat production.



Con gà

We get eggs from chickens.



Con ngựa

The horse was running freely in the meadow.



Con vịt

There are many ducks in the pond.



Con lừa

The donkey is often used for carrying loads.



Con vẹt

The parrot can mimic human speech.



Chuột hamster

My little brother takes care of a tiny hamster as a pet.

Guinea pig

/ˈɡɪni ˌpɪɡ/

Chuột lang

I think a guinea pig is a great starter pet for kids.



Mèo con

My kitten loves to play with a ball of yarn.



Cún con

A puppy requires a lot of care and attention.



Gà trống

The rooster crows loudly every morning.



Gà tây

A turkey is often served at Thanksgiving dinner in America.



Lạc đà không bướu

The llama is useful for carrying goods in mountainous areas.



Lạc đà alpaca

Some farmers raise alpacas for their wool.




The goose is swimming in the lake.



Con nhím

We found a small hedgehog in the garden.



Con ếch

A frog's croaking can be heard near the pond.



Rùa nước

The turtle moves very slowly on land.



Rùa cạn

A tortoise can live for more than 100 years.



Con chuột

There's a mouse hiding in the kitchen.



Chuột cống

I don't like seeing rats in the city.



Con bò đực

An ox is often used for plowing fields.



Lạc đà

The camel is known as the "ship of the desert".



Con ong

Bees are essential for pollination.



Con bướm

A colorful butterfly landed on the flower.



Con kiến

The children observed an ant colony in the park.



Con ốc sên

The garden was full of snails after the rain.



Con sâu

He found a worm in his apple.


/biː haɪv/

Tổ ong

A bee hive produces honey for consumption.



Con nhện

A large spider scared the children.



Con chồn

Ferrets are playful and curious creatures.



Chuông bò

You can hear the sound of the cowbell in the distance.



Con bê

A newborn calf stays close to its mother.



Gà con

The children played with the newly-hatched chicks.



Con công

The peacock spread its vibrant feathers.



Con cú

The owl is known for its nocturnal nature.



Chim bồ câu

A white dove is often a symbol of peace.



Con thiên nga

At the lake, we saw a pair of elegant swans.



Con chim bồ câu (hoang)

Streets are often filled with pigeons searching for food.



Chuồng trại

The animals were sheltered in the barn during the storm.

1.2 Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật hoang dã 

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Dịch nghĩa

Ví dụ minh họa



Sư tử

The lion is often called the king of the jungle.



Con hổ

The tiger is one of the most endangered big cats in the world.



Con voi

African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth.



Hươu cao cổ

The giraffe is known for its long neck.



Ngựa vằn

A zebra's striped coat helps it blend into its surroundings.



Báo hoa mai

The leopard is an excellent climber and often hides its prey in trees.



Báo đốm

The cheetah is the fastest land animal, capable of running 70 mph.



Khỉ đột

Gorillas live in groups led by a dominant male called a "silverback."




The monkey swung from branch to branch with ease.



Chuột túi

The kangaroo is native to Australia and carries its young in a pouch.



Gấu trúc

The giant panda is famous for its love of bamboo.



Gấu túi

The koala spends most of its time sleeping in eucalyptus trees.




Polar bears are well adapted to live in the Arctic environment.




Wolves live and hunt in packs.



Con nai

We spotted a deer grazing in the forest.



Con cáo

The fox is known for being clever and adaptable.



Linh cẩu

Hyenas are scavengers that feed on the remains of other animals.



Cá sấu

The crocodile basked in the sun near the riverbank.



Cá sấu châu Mỹ

Unlike crocodiles, alligators are native to the Americas.



Con rắn

Some species of snakes are venomous and dangerous to humans.




The python is a non-venomous snake that kills by constriction.



Hồng hạc

Flamingos are known for their bright pink feathers.



Chim cánh cụt

Emperor penguins breed during the harsh Antarctic winter.



Lạc đà bí

The camel stores fat in its hump, allowing it to survive without water.



Tê giác

A rhinoceros has a thick horn made of keratin.



Hà mã

The hippo spends most of its time submerged in water.



Đại bàng

The eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom.



Diều hâu

A hawk spotted its prey from high above.



Chim cắt

The falcon is known for its incredible speed in the air.



The owl is a nocturnal bird with excellent night vision.



Con công

The peacock displayed its vibrant tail feathers to attract a mate.



Cá heo

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals.



Cá voi

Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth.



Cá mập

A great white shark was spotted near the beach yesterday.



Bạch tuộc

An octopus uses its tentacles to catch prey.

Sea lion

/siː laɪən/

Sư tử biển

Sea lions can balance a ball on their noses.



Hải cẩu

The seal slid into the ocean after sunbathing.



Chim tu-can

The toucan is famous for its large and colorful bill.



Con vẹt

Parrots are admired for their ability to mimic human speech.



Con lười

The sloth lives in trees and moves very slowly.



Báo đốm Mỹ

The jaguar is found in the rainforests of South America.



Thằn lằn

The gecko is a small type of lizard.



Linh dương

The antelope runs swiftly to escape predators.



Tinh tinh

Chimpanzees share about 98% of their DNA with humans.



Cầy vằn

Meerkats live in groups and are known for standing upright.

Komodo dragon

/kəˌməʊdəʊ ˈdræɡən/

Rồng Komodo

The Komodo dragon is the largest species of lizard.



Báo đen

A panther is essentially a melanistic leopard or jaguar.

1.3 Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề đi sở thú

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Dịch nghĩa

Ví dụ minh họa



Sở thú

Many families visit the zoo during weekends.



Chuồng (khu vực nhốt động vật)

The tigers are kept in a large enclosure.



Môi trường sống

A zoo tries to mimic an animal's natural habitat.



Người trông coi (chăm sóc động vật)

The keeper feeds the lions every afternoon.



Khu triển lãm

The butterfly exhibit is very popular among visitors.



Chuồng (lồng nhỏ)

The parrots are kept in a large cage.



Bể cá, thủy cung

Visitors can see sharks swimming in the aquarium.



Chuyến du ngoạn động vật hoang dã

The zoo organizes a safari tour for visitors.



Sự bảo tồn

The zoo focuses on conservation of endangered species.



Khu vui chơi

There's a playground near the zoo's picnic area.



Khách tham quan

Thousands of visitors come to the zoo every year.

Ticket booth

/ˈtɪkɪt buːθ/

Quầy bán vé

You can buy entrance tickets at the ticket booth.

Entrance fee

/ˈentrəns fiː/

Phí vào cửa

The entrance fee to the zoo is quite affordable.

Feeding time

/ˈfiːdɪŋ taɪm/

Giờ cho ăn

The zookeeper announced that it was the lions' feeding time.



Động vật hoang dã

The zoo's aim is to educate people about wildlife.

Souvenir shop

/ˌsuːvəˈnɪə ˌʃɒp/

Cửa hàng lưu niệm

We bought a stuffed panda at the souvenir shop.

Guided tour

/ˈɡaɪdɪd tʊə(r)/

Tour có hướng dẫn

The guided tour helped us understand more about the animals.

Endangered species

/ɪnˌdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/

Các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

Zoos often take part in breeding programs for endangered species.



Rừng nhiệt đới

The monkey exhibit was designed to look like a jungle.



Lưỡng cư

Frogs and salamanders are examples of amphibians in the zoo.



Loài bò sát

The zoo has a section for reptiles like snakes and crocodiles.



Động vật có vú

Elephants are the largest mammals in the zoo.



Chuồng chim lớn

The aviary houses many exotic birds.



Hoạt động về đêm

Bats are nocturnal animals and are active at night.



Động vật ăn thịt

Lions and tigers are considered top predators in the wild.



Động vật ăn cỏ

Giraffes are herbivores that eat leaves and plants.



Động vật ăn thịt

Tigers are examples of large carnivores.



Động vật ăn tạp

Bears are omnivores, feeding on both plants and meat.



Có nọc độc

Some snakes in the reptile house are venomous.

Aquarium tank

/əˈkweəriəm tæŋk/

Bể cá

The sharks swam gracefully in the aquarium tank.



Nhà bảo tồn

A conservationist explained the importance of protecting wildlife.



Sự di cư

The documentary showed the migration of birds.

Breeding program

/ˈbriːdɪŋ ˌprəʊɡræm/

Chương trình nhân giống

The zoo participates in a breeding program for endangered tigers.

Polar bear

/ˈpəʊlə(r) beə(r)/

Gấu Bắc Cực

The polar bear can swim long distances in icy waters.




The zoo houses over 200 different species of animals.



Rừng mưa nhiệt đới

The rainforest exhibit showcases tropical plants and animals.

Observation deck

/ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn dek/

Đài quan sát

Visitors can watch the giraffes from the observation deck.

Picnic area

/ˈpɪknɪk ˌeəriə/

Khu vực dã ngoại

There is a picnic area near the zoo for families to relax.

Feeding schedule

/ˈfiːdɪŋ ˌʃedjuːl/

Lịch cho ăn

The feeding schedule is displayed near the penguin enclosure.

Exotic animals

/ɪɡˈzɒtɪk ˈænɪmlz/

Động vật quý hiếm

The zoo is famous for its collection of exotic animals from around the world.

Interactive display

/ˌɪntərˈæktɪv dɪˈspleɪ/

Màn hình tương tác

Children enjoyed the interactive display about wildlife conservation.

Observation window

/ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn ˈwɪndəʊ/

Cửa sổ quan sát

Visitors can watch the pandas through an observation window.



Tình nguyện viên

Many volunteers work to support the zoo's activities.

Wildlife photography

/ˈwaɪldlaɪf fəˈtɒɡrəfi/

Nhiếp ảnh động vật hoang dã

The zoo organizes wildlife photography workshops for enthusiasts.

1.4 Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề tác động của con người lên động vật hoang dã 

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Dịch nghĩa

Ví dụ minh họa



Nạn phá rừng

Deforestation leads to the loss of wildlife habitats.

Habitat destruction

/ˈhæbɪtæt dɪˈstrʌkʃn/

Sự phá hủy môi trường sống

Human activities cause significant habitat destruction for animals.



Đô thị hóa

Urbanization has forced many species to move to new habitats.

Climate change

/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/

Biến đổi khí hậu

Climate change is affecting wildlife migration patterns.

Global warming

/ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/

Sự nóng lên toàn cầu

Global warming has caused a decline in polar bear populations.

Endangered species

/ɪnˌdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/

Các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

Conservation programs focus on protecting endangered species.



Săn bắt trộm

Poaching continues to threaten elephants and rhinos.

Illegal hunting

/ɪˈliːɡl ˈhʌntɪŋ/

Săn bắt trái phép

Illegal hunting is one of the leading causes of animal population decline.

Animal trafficking

/ˈænɪml ˈtræfɪkɪŋ/

Buôn bán động vật

Animal trafficking generates billions of dollars through illegal wildlife trade.



Khai thác quá mức

Overexploitation of marine resources damages ecosystems.



Đa dạng sinh học

Human interference has resulted in reduced biodiversity in many ecosystems.



Hệ sinh thái

Pollution affects the balance of the ecosystem.



Sự tuyệt chủng

Many species are driven to extinction by human activities.

Wildlife sanctuary

/ˈwaɪldlaɪf ˈsæŋktʃʊəri/

Khu bảo tồn động vật hoang dã

Wildlife sanctuaries provide safe homes for endangered species.

Natural resources

/ˈnætʃrəl rɪˈsɔːsɪz/

Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

Overuse of natural resources affects both humans and animals alike.



Hạn hán

Severe droughts are driving some species to migrate.



Ô nhiễm

Plastic pollution is killing marine animals around the world.

Oil spill

/ɔɪl spɪl/

Sự tràn dầu

Oil spills have devastating effects on seabirds and marine life.



Sự quá tải dân số

Overpopulation worsens the pressure on wildlife habitats.

Hunting ban

/ˈhʌntɪŋ bæn/

Lệnh cấm săn bắn

Governments are enforcing hunting bans in many wildlife reserves.



Đánh bắt cá quá mức

Overfishing disrupts marine ecosystems globally.



Nạn khai thác gỗ

Logging activities contribute to habitat loss for wildlife.

Invasive species

/ɪnˈveɪsɪv ˈspiːʃiːz/

Các loài xâm lấn

Invasive species often harm native wildlife populations.

Climate adaptation

/ˈklaɪmət ˌædæpˈteɪʃn/

Thích nghi với biến đổi khí hậu

Animals are forced to evolve new behaviors for climate adaptation.

Agricultural expansion

/ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ɪkˈspænʃn/

Sự mở rộng nông nghiệp

Agricultural expansion has displaced countless animal species.

Marine life

/məˈriːn laɪf/

Sinh vật biển

Plastic pollution has caused significant damage to marine life.

Human intervention

/ˈhjuːmən ˌɪntəˈvenʃn/

Sự can thiệp của con người

Excessive human intervention disrupts natural wildlife processes.

Climate refugees

/ˈklaɪmət ˈrefjuːdʒiːz/

Động vật di cư vì khí hậu

Rising temperatures have created climate refugees among wild animals.

Natural habitat

/ˈnætʃrəl ˈhæbɪtæt/

Môi trường sống tự nhiên

Many animals are losing their natural habitats due to urbanization.

Wildlife corridor

/ˈwaɪldlaɪf ˈkɒrɪdɔː/

Hành lang động vật hoang dã

Wildlife corridors are created to help animals migrate safely.

Breeding ground

/ˈbriːdɪŋ ɡraʊnd/

Khu vực sinh sản

Overfishing destroys fish breeding grounds.

Species loss

/ˈspiːʃiːz lɒs/

Sự mất đi các loài

Species loss is a major concern for environmentalists worldwide.



Thuốc trừ sâu

Pesticides poison animals living near farmlands.



Công nghiệp hóa

Industrialization encroaches on animal habitats.



Sự phục hồi (cho động vật)

Wildlife rehabilitation programs aim to return animals to the wild.

Coral reef

/ˈkɒrəl riːf/

Rạn san hô

Rising sea temperatures are bleaching coral reefs.

Illegal trade

/ɪˈliːɡl treɪd/

Buôn bán bất hợp pháp

The illegal trade of exotic animals harms global biodiversity.

Carbon footprint

/ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/

Dấu chân carbon

Reducing your carbon footprint helps combat climate change.

Trophy hunting

/ˈtrəʊfi ˈhʌntɪŋ/

Săn bắn lấy chiến tích

Trophy hunting is controversial due to its impact on wildlife.

Renewable resources

/rɪˈnjuːəbl rɪˈsɔːsɪz/

Tài nguyên tái tạo

Using renewable resources reduces pressure on wildlife habitats.

Food chain

/fuːd tʃeɪn/

Chuỗi thức ăn

Disrupting the food chain impacts entire ecosystems.



Du lịch sinh thái

Ecotourism promotes awareness of wildlife conservation.



Phát triển quá mức

Overdevelopment in coastal regions affects marine ecosystems.

Zoonotic disease

/zuːˈnɒtɪk dɪˈziːz/

Bệnh lây từ động vật sang người

COVID-19 highlighted the risks of zoonotic diseases.

Hunting quota

/ˈhʌntɪŋ ˈkwəʊtə/

Hạn ngạch săn bắn

Governments often set hunting quotas to manage wildlife populations.

2. Từ vựng Ielts Listening về chủ đề các loài động vật: Luyện tập 

2.1 Listen and complete the following exercises

a. Listening gap fill

I’m _________(1)_____________ lover. I’m fascinated by the whole animal kingdom. I loved animals when __________(2)____________ . I used to read every book I could find on animals. I knew all the different _________(3)_____________ . The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I __________(4)____________ hours just watching the animals walk around, sit, _________(5)_____________ . When I was older, I went on a safari to Tanzania. I _________(6)_____________ animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once in their lives. Looking at animals ___________(7)___________ habitat is a real honour. Now I’m _________(8)_____________ the future of many animals. Some of my favourite animals are ________(9)______________ dying out. We really need to change our lifestyle so our children can have _________(10)_____________ seeing animals in the wild.


  1.  a real animal

  2. I was a kid

  3. animal species

  4. would spend

  5. or even sleep

  6. saw real wild

  7. in their natural

  8. worried about

  9. in danger of

  10. the chance of

b. Correct the spelling 

I’m a real animal lover. I’m sdcaftniae by the whole animal nkgdmio. I loved animals when I was a kid. I used to read every book I could find on animals. I knew all the different animal spiecse. The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I would spend hours just ginhatcw the animals walk around, sit, or even sleep. When I was older, I went on a irasaf to Tanzania. I saw real wild animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once in their lives. Looking at animals in their rutanla habitat is a real honour. Now I’m worried about the fruetu of many animals. Some of my favourite animals are in rndeag of dgnyi out. We really need to change our lifestyle so our children can have the ahecnc of seeing animals in the wild.


sdcaftniae => fascinated

nkgdmio => kingdom

spiecse => species

ginhatcw => watching

irasaf => safari

rutanla => natural

fruetu => future

rndeag => danger

dgnyi => dying

ahecnc => chance

c. Choose the correct answer for the question

1. What is the writer’s opinion about animals?

a) The writer does not like animals.

b) The writer loves animals.

c) The writer thinks animals are boring.

d) The writer only likes wild animals.

2. During childhood, what did the writer enjoy doing related to animals?

a) Watching animal documentaries.

b) Reading books about animals.

c) Visiting animals at the zoo every day.

d) Taking care of pet animals.

3. What does the writer say about animal species?

a) The writer knew all the different animal species.

b) The writer did not care much about species.

c) The writer was afraid of certain species.

d) The writer didn’t understand species.

4. What activity did the writer enjoy most as a child?

a) Drawing pictures of animals.

b) Visiting the zoo and watching animals.

c) Playing with pets at home.

d) Hunting animals in the wild.

5. What does the writer say about their safari trip?

a) It was expensive and tiring.

b) It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

c) It was disappointing because there were no animals.

d) It was dangerous to see wild animals.

6. Where did the writer go on safari?

a) South Africa.

b) Kenya.

c) Tanzania.

d) Australia.

7. What is the writer’s concern about animals now?

a) Some animals are becoming boring.

b) Some animals are becoming extinct.

c) Zoos are not taking care of animals.

d) Safaris harm the environment.

8. What does the writer feel when seeing animals in their natural habitat?

a) Happiness.

b) Honour.

c) Boredom.

d) Fear.

9. Why does the writer believe we need to change our lifestyle?

a) To protect the natural habitat of animals.

b) To save money for future safaris.

c) To keep zoos open for children.

d) To stop reading books about animals.

10. What does the writer wish for future generations?

a) That children can visit zoos.

b) That children read more books about animals.

c) That children have the chance to see animals in the wild.

d) That children understand more about how to care for pets.


  1. b) The writer loves animals.

  2. b) Reading books about animals.

  3. a) The writer knew all the different animal species.

  4. b) Visiting the zoo and watching animals.

  5. b) It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  6. c) Tanzania.

  7. b) Some animals are becoming extinct.

  8. a) To protect the natural habitat of animals.

  9. b) Honour.

  10. c) That children have the chance to see animals in the wild.

Scrip: I’m a real animal lover. I’m fascinated by the whole animal kingdom. I loved animals when I was a kid. I used to read every book I could find on animals. I knew all the different animal species. The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I would spend hours just watching the animals walk around, sit, or even sleep. When I was older, I went on a safari to Tanzania. I saw real wild animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once in their lives. Looking at animals in their natural habitat is a real honour. Now I’m worried about the future of many animals. Some of my favourite animals are in danger of dying out. We really need to change our lifestyle so our children can have the chance of seeing animals in the wild.

2.2 Listen and complete the following exercises

a. True or False 

  1. Lions live on plains or in jungles.

  2. The giraffe has a short neck.

  3. Polar bears are white.

  4. Kangaroos live everywhere in the world.

  5. In Canada, you can see lions running wild.

Answer: 1. T     2. F       3. T        4. F        5. F

b. Listen and fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. The lion is the ______ of the beasts.

  2. A tiger has ______ on its body.

  3. The elephant has a ______ and two ______.

  4. A ______ lives in Australia and it jumps very high.

  5. In Canada, you might see a ______ or a bear in northern Ontario.


  1. king

  2. stripes

  3. trunk, tusks

  4. kangaroo

  5. moose

c.  Choose the correct answer for the question

1. Where do wild animals live?

a. In houses and cages

b. In jungles or on plains

c. In backyards

d. In schools

2. What is the lion called?

a. King of the jungle

b. King of Australia

c. King of the beasts

d. King of the plains

3. What does a giraffe eat?

a. Fruits from low bushes

b. Leaves from the tallest trees

c. Grass on the plains

d. Fish in rivers

4. Which animal has a trunk and tusks?

a. Tiger

b. Wolf

c. Giraffe

d. Elephant

5. How are polar bears different from other bears?

a. They have stripes

b. They are white

c. They are black

d. They live in jungles

6. Where do kangaroos naturally live?

a. In Canada

b. In jungles

c. In Australia

d. In the Arctic

7. Which animal might frighten you if you run into it?

a. Squirrel

b. Monkey

c. Wolf

d. Giraffe

8. What animals are often seen in Canada’s backyards?

a. Lions and bears

b. Squirrels and raccoons

c. Giraffes and deer

d. Wolves and foxes

9. What animals can you see in northern Ontario?

a. Lions and tigers

b. Monkeys and kangaroos

c. Moose and bears

d. Giraffes and polar bears

10. Where can you see wild animals if they don’t live in your area?

a. In the streets

b. At the zoo

c. In people’s houses

d. In a city park

Scrip: Some animals are wild. They don’t live in homes or cages. They live in jungles or on plains. The lion is the king of the beasts. He is very mighty. He roasts loudly. The giraffe has a long neck. He eats leaves from the tallest trees. The elephant is very large. He has a trunk and two tusks. A tiger has stripes. Some bears are black and some are brown. There are even white bears called polar bears. A kangaroo lives in Australia. There is only place that you would find a kangaroo except in the zoo. It might be frightening to run into a wolf or a fox. monkeys run and play in the trees. In Canada we don’t see lions, tigers, giraffes, or monkeys running wild. There are squirrels in my backyard. Sometimes I see a raccoon or a chipmunk. In northern Ontario, you might see a moose or a bear. I have seen a deer in the forest. There are many wild animals. You can see wild animals if you go to the zoo.

3. Idioms about animals in Ielts

a.  The lion’s share

  • Nghĩa: Phần lớn nhất, phần tốt nhất của cái gì đó.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để chỉ việc ai đó nhận được phần lớn nhất, đặc biệt khi nói về tài sản, thời gian, hoặc công sức. (mang sắc thái không công bằng)

  • Ví dụ: She got the lion’s share of the inheritance. (Cô ấy nhận được phần lớn nhất của tài sản thừa kế.)

b. A dark horse

  • Nghĩa: Một người hoặc vật mà tài năng, khả năng của họ không được nhiều người biết đến hoặc bất ngờ thành công.

  • Cách dùng: Thường dùng khi nói về một người ít được chú ý nhưng lại nổi bật bất ngờ, ví dụ trong các cuộc thi hoặc sự kiện.

  • Ví dụ: In the competition, she was a dark horse who won unexpectedly. (Trong cuộc thi, cô ấy là người mà chẳng ai ngờ tới nhưng lại giành chiến thắng.)

c.  Let the cat out of the bag

  • Nghĩa: Làm lộ bí mật.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng khi ai đó vô tình hoặc cố ý tiết lộ một bí mật mà đáng lẽ không nên nói.

  • Ví dụ: We were planning a surprise party, but Tom let the cat out of the bag. (Chúng tôi dự định tổ chức một bữa tiệc bất ngờ, nhưng Tom đã làm lộ bí mật.)

d. Kill two birds with one stone

  • Nghĩa: Một mũi tên trúng hai đích, làm một việc mà đạt được hai mục đích.

  • Cách dùng: Sử dụng khi thực hiện một hành động mà giải quyết được nhiều vấn đề cùng lúc.

  • Ví dụ: By studying English while traveling, I killed two birds with one stone.(Học tiếng Anh trong khi đi du lịch, tôi một mũi tên trúng hai đích.)

e.  Go to the dogs

  • Nghĩa: Trở nên tồi tệ, xuống cấp, giảm chất lượng.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để mô tả một sự việc, tổ chức hay tình trạng đang xuống dốc.

  • Ví dụ: After the new manager took over, the company really went to the dogs. (Sau khi quản lý mới tiếp quản, công ty thực sự đi xuống.)

f. Smell a rat

  • Nghĩa: Cảm thấy có điều gì đó không đúng, đáng nghi.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng khi bạn tin rằng có vấn đề gì đó hoặc ai đó không thành thật.

  • Ví dụ:I smell a rat when he suddenly offered to help for free. (Tôi cảm thấy có điều gì đó không ổn khi anh ta đột nhiên đề nghị giúp miễn phí.)

g.  As busy as a bee

  • Nghĩa: Rất bận rộn.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để mô tả một người rất bận rộn, luôn làm việc không ngừng nghỉ.

  • Ví dụ: She’s been as busy as a bee preparing for her wedding. (Cô ấy bận rộn không ngừng nghỉ để chuẩn bị cho đám cưới của mình.)

h. Crocodile tears

  • Nghĩa: Nước mắt cá sấu (giả vờ buồn hoặc cảm thấy tiếc).

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để nói về một người giả vờ xúc động hoặc buồn bã mà không thực sự cảm thấy vậy.

  • Ví dụ: He shed crocodile tears after breaking the vase, but he wasn’t really sorry. (Anh ta giả vờ khóc thương sau khi làm vỡ chiếc bình, nhưng thực ra không hề tiếc.)

i. Like a fish out of water

  • Nghĩa: Như cá ra khỏi nước – cảm giác lạc lõng hoặc không thoải mái trong một môi trường không quen thuộc.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để mô tả tình huống khiến một người cảm thấy không phù hợp hoặc khó chịu vì họ không quen thuộc với ngữ cảnh ấy.

  • Ví dụ: When he moved to the big city, he felt like a fish out of water. (Khi anh ấy chuyển đến thành phố lớn, anh ấy cảm thấy lạc lõng.)

k.  The early bird catches the worm

  • Nghĩa: Thành công đến với những người biết nắm bắt cơ hội sớm.

  • Cách dùng: Thường được dùng để khuyến khích ai đó hành động nhanh chóng hoặc bắt đầu việc gì đó sớm.

  • Ví dụ: You should arrive early for the interview. The early bird catches the worm. (Bạn nên đến sớm để phỏng vấn. Thành công sẽ đến với người hành động nhanh.)

l.  Hold your horses

  • Nghĩa: Bình tĩnh, chờ một chút.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để yêu cầu ai đó kiên nhẫn, hãy chậm lại hoặc đừng vội vàng.

  • Ví dụ: Hold your horses! We need to wait for everyone to arrive before starting.(Bình tĩnh nào! Chúng ta cần chờ mọi người đến đủ trước khi bắt đầu.)

m.  Wild goose chase

  • Nghĩa: Một cuộc tìm kiếm vô ích, lãng phí thời gian.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để mô tả hành động lãng phí thời gian tìm kiếm một thứ không thể đạt được hoặc không tồn tại.

  • Ví dụ:I spent hours looking for my lost keys, but it was a wild goose chase. (Tôi đã dành nhiều tiếng tìm chìa khóa bị mất, nhưng đó là một sự lãng phí thời gian.)

n.  White elephant

  • Nghĩa: Một thứ đắt tiền nhưng vô dụng hoặc không cần thiết.

  • Cách dùng: Dùng để nói về những món đồ hoặc dự án tốn kém nhưng chẳng đem lại giá trị thực sự.

  • Ví dụ: That stadium turned out to be a white elephant because no one uses it.

  • (Sân vận động đó hóa ra là thứ vô dụng vì chẳng ai sử dụng nó.)

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